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Showing posts from November, 2018

kitchen design ideas in modular kitchen

kitchen design ideas in modular kitchen Elevation of kitchen design of modular kitchen How to design a kitchen using modular kitchen concept? Modular kitchen is a art of kitchen design. Normally, in kitchen, there are lot of storage area needed to store the materials like vegetables, fruits, provisions utensils. when compare with other portion of the entire home kitchen only should having more storage area. So, Storage in kitchen occupies extra area and reduce the flooring area. In order to save flooring area in kitchen, a alternate method is applied in non flooring area ( example under kitchen top and over the kitchen top) is called modular kitchen. Important parts of Modular kitchen: base cabinet Kitchen top Over head cabinet  Splash area Sink Tall unit In this article, we are going discuss about the parts of modular kitchen. What is base unit ? A storage unit is provided under the cooking kitchen plot form is called base cabinet. Normally a base unit is having depth of 2'0'&

Staircase From marking to Finishing

Staircase From marking to Finishing Staircase is an important structural part in construction. It allows user to go further floors. Staircase must be constructed in proper way. Otherwise, User can not feel comfortable in using other further floors. I mean that staircase have certain limitation. What are they? Each flight having Steps not more than 12 nos Riser should not more than 7'' and not less than 5'' Tread must be not less than 9''. Height of the handrail must be exactly 2'6''. What ever may the number of flight and length of flight, but each flight must have a landing after 12 steps width of staircase must be at least 3'0''  for residence and 4'0'' for public. Here I have given a example of finished staircase. Staircase finished The above staircase satisfies the above said limits or rules. 1st flight having 12 steps. Height of the Riser is 7'' Tread width is 11'' and 12&#

How to save sun shade for life long?

How to save sun shade for life long? Sun shade is a important protection element in construction. It protect doors, window and inner side of building from hot sun light and rain water. If sun shade is not effectively placed and finished, several problem will occur. Major failure will arise if it is not perfectly placed and finished.  In this Article , we are going to discuss about how to place and finish a sun shade by step by step. I have given some images how to provide concrete and finish. Make comparison with one another. so you can understand. Take a close look at the following image and find what are errors are placed?  Example of sun shade placed and finished Example of sun shade finished in lower angle Any guess friends? What is wrong with the above images? Okay Friends, Later on in this article we will discuss the problems. How to place a sunshade concrete in perfect way? First of all, How to place a sun shade concrete in perfect way?

How to execute Brick masonry from Floor to roof?

How to execute Brick masonry from Floor to roof? Brick masonry plays Important roll in construction. There are several articles available related to brick masonry. But no one explain about how to execute the entire brick masonry from Earth beam to roof. Here, I have explained the entire brick wall masonry in practical way. I mean that what should do? what should not do? In practical industry, There are some wrong methods are. They should be totally avoided. There are 4 important steps in brick masonry. namely up to basement up to sill level up to lintel level up to roof level. Brick masonry up to Basement: Before construct brick masonry complete all surrounding column up to basement. This is important work. Column rising in basement before brick masonry If you don't do the column rising work before brick masonry.The following difficulties will arrive. During making brick wall, Shedding of mortar in to the Column bottom and gets rigid and not easily