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How to execute Brick masonry from Floor to roof?

How to execute Brick masonry from Floor to roof?

Brick masonry plays Important roll in construction. There are several articles available related to brick masonry. But no one explain about how to execute the entire brick masonry from Earth beam to roof.
Here, I have explained the entire brick wall masonry in practical way. I mean that what should do? what should not do?
In practical industry, There are some wrong methods are. They should be totally avoided.

There are 4 important steps in brick masonry. namely

  • up to basement
  • up to sill level
  • up to lintel level
  • up to roof level.

Brick masonry up to Basement:

Before construct brick masonry complete all surrounding column up to basement.
This is important work.
Column rising in basement before brick masonry
Column rising in basement before brick masonry

If you don't do the column rising work before brick masonry.The following difficulties will arrive.
During making brick wall, Shedding of mortar in to the Column bottom and gets rigid and not easily removable. 

brick masonry before column rising
brick masonry before column rising

In next day, after completing the shuttering work, some saw dust from the shuttering materials like plywood, timber also shedding in to the column bottom. They are not easily removable after shuttering.

column bottom have lot of timber waste, saw dust in brick masonry
column bottom have lot of timber waste, saw dust in brick masonry

If you place the column concrete after completing the brick masonry, the water in the concrete is sucked  by dry brick wall and there will be a dry concrete placed without sufficient water cement ratio resulting a weak structure formed.

So. The correct procedure is first complete the column work and next do the brick wall. Refer the image below you can get some advantages.

Brick masonry after column
Brick masonry after column

First, Clean the entire Earth beam with water and ready surface. Apply semi solid cement slurry on it. Sprinkle the brick with water. Chip the column sides with  chisel and get the column surface rough in order to get better bonding with brick joint.

First construct the brick masonry as a reference pillar just like a benchmark in all corners with the help of plump, set square and check each opposite brick wall corner with level for each 3 courses. Adjust the mortar thickness to ensure the level. follow the remaining until it is reached the basement.

set square and plump used in brick masonry
set square and plump used in brick masonry
Recommended method
Brick masonry at 4 corners
Brick masonry at 4 corners
 Not Recommended method
brick masonry weak joint
brick masonry weak joint
brick masonry weak joint
brick masonry weak joint
You have 2 options  just like above. Any one method should to followed at corners and in cross wall extension.

  • In the 1st method, No weak straight  joints. Mortar can be easily inserted.
  • In the 2nd method, There will be weak straight joint. Mortar can't be easily  inserted in further proceeding.

 After completing the the corner reference wall, you can build the each course one by one by connecting a strong thread between the two benchmark and can complete the entire basement.

Thread connecting two benchmark wall
Thread connecting two benchmark wall

brick masonry recommended method
brick masonry recommended method

Brick Masonry up to sill and lintel:

In plinth, before go to superstructure some important works should be completed like damp proof course, providing plinth belt, basement inner plastering, sand filling in to basement, providing flooring concrete and its related works.

After that, Column should be raised up to lintel level as earlier said.Once again follow the same method in basement like first construct the corner benchmark pillar and complete the entire sill level.

In door opening and in window opening, construct some  dummy brick with poor mix and make some marks on it. Please refer the following image.

brick masonry with dummy brick
brick masonry with dummy brick
After 24 hours, Remove the dummy brick. so you need not difficulties in fixing clamp to doors and window. So damaging the structure is avoided.

clamp fixing in door in brick masonry
clamp fixing in door in brick masonry
clamp fixing in window
clamp fixing in window
Sill Slab must be placed for a extra 9'' length on each side of window opening.
After fixing door and window rich concrete should be used to fill the clamp holes.After reaching the lintel level provide lintel, sunshade and loft concrete as required.

Brick Masonry up to sill and lintel:

There is special instruction in lintel level to roof level. Just follow the same method explained in basement level. care should taken in top most course and it;s level should be checked. because it is the most important in laying of roof slab in level.

Brick masonry reached roof level
Brick masonry reached roof level

So, Hope you understand the brick masonry construction in practical way. 


Some important points must be followed
  • Always first construct column and finish the brick masonry
  • First built the benchmark wall at corners and proceed further.
  • Build dummy brick at opening.
  • Leave space for sill slab.

Related links: Brickwork Rate, Damp proofing, Window placing, Parapet wall, cover block, Toilet  installation 


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